

Commercial Showcase: Art of Persuasion, Creativity, and Insights

The "Commercial" tag section is your window into the world of advertising and marketing creativity. Explore a curated selection of commercials that span industries, cultures, and eras. From emotionally stirring brand stories to witty and memorable ads, this tag showcases the art of persuasion through visual storytelling. Dive into behind-the-scenes insights, advertising trends, and the impact of commercials on pop culture. Whether you're a marketing enthusiast, a fan of creative advertising, or simply interested in the power of persuasive storytelling, join us in celebrating the art of commercials.

FireStone commercial

22.11.2011 20:59, Posted under Funny Videos


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FireStone commercial

Whiskas Commercial: Whiskas Pick Me 40''

A Heartwarming Feline Journey in 40 Seconds

18.11.2011 12:00, Posted under Advertise

Delve into the heartwarming realm of pet commercials with Whiskas and their delightful creation, 'Whiskas Pick Me 40''. In a concise 40 seconds, this commercial takes viewers on a feline journey, showcasing the deep bond between cats and their human companions.

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Whiskas Commercial: Whiskas Pick Me 40''

Whiskas Harmony

18.11.2011 10:00, Posted under Funny Videos

трогательный ролик про хозяина и кошку, которые жили вместе долго и счастливо

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Whiskas Harmony

Heineken Premium 'Lights' Shine in New Spec Commercial

27.10.2011 21:00, Posted under Funny Videos

This ad for Heineken started out as a shooting experiment and eventually materialized into a spec commercial, explains director Julian A. Renner. "The DP (Walter Tyler) and I talked about lighting techniques and I eventually went off and wrote the concept. Seeing that we both were really busy, it actually took us a year after the idea was written to finally get together and shoot it. The biggest challenge was lighting and time. We had to abandon a lot of shot because of the time factor and crew budget."

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Heineken Premium 'Lights' Shine in New Spec Commercial

Amazing Commercial

27.10.2011 20:00, Posted under Funny Videos

First time commercial director Harry Knapp proves you don't need a big budget to get a great commercial. for the new commercial production and media buying company For affordable television and radio advertising contact

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Amazing Commercial