Kevin J. Anderson
You research the book, you outline the book, you write the 400-500 page book, you edit the 400-500 page book, then worry about how to get an agent.
Kevin J. Anderson
You need to write something publishable before you need to worry about the mechanics of it. Before you even have written a story, they are worried about how you're going to find someone to sell the movie rights to.
Kevin J. Anderson
You need the romance. It's not a book about romance, certainly. The whole plot is not about the main characters getting into a clinch. You have to have heroic, archetypal characters and when you're following the epic storylines, there has to be the greatest love in the universe, the star-crossed lovers who somehow can't ever get together.
Kevin J. Anderson
You must develop your own work, become established as an author, before you would ever be asked to work in an established universe.
Kevin J. Anderson
You can't just send cameras up to orbit and that's it. It's the difference between looking at a National Geographic magazine and actually walking around in Morocco. You must have people who are actually there.
Kevin J. Anderson
You can still have a very happy and productive and comfortable life if you are in a situation where you are fully cooperating with nature instead of cutting down the rain forest to build condominiums.
Kevin J. Anderson
Wouldn't you like to have an augmented memory chip that you could plug into your head so you don't have to look everything up and remember everything?
Kevin J. Anderson
When I was a little boy... I knew I wanted to basically turn a gas giant planet into a small sun to warm up the small moons around it, so people could terraform it.
Kevin J. Anderson
What the Terran Hanseatic League find maddeningly ironic is that these primitive people who talk to trees are the only ones who can communicate instantaneously across large distances. And this is the science being realistic.
Kevin J. Anderson
What gets me about that is that you have people talking about cloning and they are saying things that anybody with eighth-grade science knows that what they're saying is wrong.