Innocent Phone Thief Prank
Good samaritans trying to help a lady who lost her phone become suddenly aware of having stolen the phone! A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l??mission de cam?ra cach?e la plus comique de la t?l?!
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Magic Toaster Prank
Blind man asks for some help to toast some bread. But the toaster magically eats the toasts and then suddenly spits them back up in the blind man\'s face. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l\'émission de caméra cachée la plus comique de la télé!
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Harry Houdini: Unmasking the Magic of the World's Most Famous Magician
A Legendary Escape Artist and Illusionist
Harry Houdini, born Erik Weisz in Budapest in 1874, was no ordinary magician. He was, and still remains, the world's most famous escape artist and illusionist. Houdini's life was a riveting tale of magic, mystery, and endless determination. In this biography, we'll delve into the incredible journey of a man who captivated audiences around the world.
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