Mercedes SLS AMG & Michael Schumacher - Tunnel Stunt!(HQ)
Michael Schumacher - SLS AMG extreme LOOP
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Stolen Car Prank
Generous man ask some strangers to film him while he offers a gift car to his girlfriend. Unfortunately, she really doesnapos;t like the car, she would much rather have the VW Beetle parked right in front. Ready for anything to please his better half, he steals the car for her! A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l??mission de cam?ra cach?e la plus comique de la t?l?!
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Banned Mastercard Priceless Commercial: Grand Theft Auto HD
Why was he hit? Find out in 720P HD! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYo1GWcMgec New Banned Mastercard ad from the film Vengence Rides a Train. This was shot on a Nikon D90 and edited in Sony Vegas 8 and color corrected with Magic Bullet. Rend takes a car from an unsuspecting victim. Created by Akira Wing and Mark Nicholson Please visit our youtube channel for more films and be sure to subscribe!
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