(wiki)Bernard (RR: Ppaekkom MR: Ppaekkom, romanized as Backkom within Asia-Pacific) is a series of animated shorts centered on the fictional polar bear and main character of the same name. It is a Korean-Spanish-French co-production. Each three-minute episode focuses on the bear's curiosity and have many moments of slapstick. Bernard never speaks with the exception of intelligible noises.
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Bernard Bear 2009 Episode 7/26
(wiki)Bernard (RR: Ppaekkom MR: Ppaekkom, romanized as Backkom within Asia-Pacific) is a series of animated shorts centered on the fictional polar bear and main character of the same name. It is a Korean-Spanish-French co-production. Each three-minute episode focuses on the bear's curiosity and have many moments of slapstick. Bernard never speaks with the exception of intelligible noises.
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