The Timeline and History of Video Games
Subscribe to: http://thedeftgamer.blogspot.com and http://twitter.com/thedeftgamer Song by the deftones - up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, select, start. (yes its the name of the deftones song) (yes its the konami code) This video is a labor of love which i busted my ass to get done. It is a film that shows videogame cosoles of today all the way from the very beginning, set to a deftones soundtrack. It was amazing to learn about all the little storys behind each console and how games have changed shape over the last few years. Because directors have a 10 minute time limit, i could not be as detailed as i wish but i hope that non the less that you like it! Next review will be in a week or so after this...
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Atari 2600 Solar Fox commercial
Vintage Solar Fox Commercial!
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Atari 5200 Commercial
here's a commercial featuring the Angry Video Game Nerd's most hated atari console: the Atari 5200. although this system was the first console to include more than 2 controller ports, this system had it's share of issues such as controllers which had numeric keypads, not to mentioned that they [the controllers] easily broke, and the "mysterious back storage area" which is big enough for a beer bottle.
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