Ginny B. Waite
Those yearning for basic liberties and for basic rights have occasionally been led by vocal and dedicated women of the world.
Ginny B. Waite
The world today is changing rapidly, and we are helping to make it better for our children's future.
Ginny B. Waite
The women who pass away before they receive Social Security, for them this is nothing but a tax from which they or their family will never receive a benefit.
Ginny B. Waite
The United Nations' greatest fear is that average Americans will no longer tolerate these international scandals and demand that America withdraw from the international organization.
Ginny B. Waite
The United Nations is a mess, riddled with scandals. In fact, the U.N. itself is a scandal.
Ginny B. Waite
The United Nations has come under the control of outlaw nations and self-serving special interest groups.
Ginny B. Waite
The newer homes did not sustain as much damage because they were built to better safety codes; they were better designed, higher wind loads for the roof. All of those facets made those homes sustain the storm a whole lot better.
Ginny B. Waite
The list of non-democratic regimes that have seen significant reforms since 2001 is long and significant.
Ginny B. Waite
Social Security is a plan that actually was designed in a much different time, in a different era, and with a different set of American demographics in mind.
Ginny B. Waite
Since President Bush took office in 2001, this Congress has supported an agenda of democracy, freedom and expansion of rights for all peoples throughout the world.