Paul D. Boyer
I am told that I had a bad temper, and remember being banished to the back hall until civility returned.
Paul D. Boyer
I also remember such things as picnics in Provo Canyon, and the anticipation that I might get to lick the dasher after cranking the ice-cream freezer.
Paul D. Boyer
Her death contributed to my later interest in studying biochemistry, an interest that has not been fulfilled in the sense that my accomplishments remain more at the basic than the applied level.
Paul D. Boyer
Hardy Mormon pioneers had settled the area only 70 years before my birth in 1918.
Paul D. Boyer
From the Stanford studies I gained experience with proteins and a growing respect for the beauty of their structures.
Paul D. Boyer
Fortunately, the Biochemistry Department at the University of Wisconsin in Madison was outstanding and far ahead of most others in the country.
Paul D. Boyer
Family trips to Yellowstone and to what are now national parks in Southern Utah, driving the primitive roads and cars of that day, were real adventures.
Paul D. Boyer
During my early years at Minnesota I conducted an evening enzyme seminar.
Paul D. Boyer
Concentrated serum albumin fractionated from blood plasma was effective in battlefield treatment of shock.
Paul D. Boyer
Chemistry and mathematics seemed logical studies to emphasize, although I had little concept as to where they might lead.