Harry S. Truman
I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.
Harry S. Truman
I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.
Harry S. Truman
I don't want it torn down. I think it's the greatest monstrosity in America.
Harry S. Truman
I don't give a damn about "The Missouri Waltz" but I can't say it out loud because it's the song of Missouri. It's as bad as "The Star-Spangled Banner" so far as music is concerned.
Harry S. Truman
I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.
Harry S. Truman
How do you live a long life? "Take a two-mile walk every morning before breakfast."
Harry S. Truman
He's one of the few in the history of this country to run for high office talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time and lying out of both sides.
Harry S. Truman
Experience has shown how deeply the seeds of war are planted by economic rivalry and social injustice.
Harry S. Truman
Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don't ever apologize for anything.
Harry S. Truman
Being too good is apt to be uninteresting.