John Moody

Yet, in 1850 nearly all the railroads in the United States lay east of the Mississippi River, and all of them, even when they were physically mere extensions of one another, were separately owned and separately managed.

John Moody

Yet the railroad speedily demonstrated its practical value; many of the first lines were extremely profitable, and the hostility with which they had been first received soon changed to an enthusiasm which was just as unreasoning.

John Moody

Yet the enthusiasts for railroads could not be discouraged, and presently the whole population divided into two camps, the friends of the canal, and the friends of the iron highway.

John Moody

With the reorganization of 1898 finished, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad entered a new period in its history.

John Moody

While the New York Central was in an ideal position for handling all traffic destined for the New England States, the Pennsylvania could control practically none of this business, as its terminals were on the wrong side of the Hudson and necessitated... the much more expensive handling of freight.

John Moody

While no one railroad can completely duplicate another line, two or more may compete at particular points.

John Moody

While for many years after the death of the Commodore the Vanderbilt family remained in direct financial and operating control of the New York Central... yet the brains and resources of the Vanderbilt's were not alone responsible for the brilliant career of the system down to recent times.

John Moody

Where mountains were climbed thirty years ago, one will now find them bored by tunnels; where sharp curves were necessary before straight trackage only will be encountered today.

John Moody

When these facts became public, the capital stock of the Baltimore and Ohio, which for generations had been looked upon as one of the most secure of railroad investments, dropped to almost nothing, and the most strenuous financial efforts were required to keep the company out of bankruptcy.

John Moody

When the scheme for the construction of a railroad from Baltimore to the waters of the Ohio River first began to take form, the United States had barely emerged from the Revolutionary period.

John Moody

When business revived in the closing years of the nineteenth century, the history of American railroads began a new chapter.

John Moody

Under the Thomson management, which lasted until 1874, the record of the Pennsylvania Railroad was one of progress in every sense of the word.

John Moody

To this end, the Pennsylvania Railroad was incorporated on April 13, 1846, with a franchise permitting the construction of a railroad across the State from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh.

John Moody

Times were not the best, however, and, although much traffic was developed, the immense cost of the extensions heavily burdened the Baltimore and Ohio Company, while the panic of 1857 seriously embarrassed its credit.

John Moody

Through the winter of 1868 the work continued on the Union Pacific with unabated energy, and freezing weather caught the builders at the base of the Wasatch Mountains; but blizzards could not stop them.

John Moody

This growing sentiment finally persuaded the Legislature to charter in April, 1832, the New York and Erie Railroad Company, and to give it authority to construct a line and to regulate its own charges for transportation.

John Moody

The Vanderbilt family no longer possesses a majority interest in the stock, or anything which approaches it, and the New York Central system and its subsidiaries have come to be known more and more as Morgan properties.

John Moody

The upshot of the matter was that Morgan devised a plan for the sale of a large amount of Vanderbilt's stock holdings through private sale in England, and in such a way that the knowledge of such sale would not become public in America.

John Moody

The United States as we know it today is largely the result of mechanical inventions, and in particular of agricultural machinery and the railroad.

John Moody

The ultimate plan, which proved too visionary, was to consolidate under one control a vast network of lines extending all over the continent.

John Moody